Meet the ministry leadership and eldership teams of Restore Church
Adrian is married to Heather and together they have four adult daughters and five grand children. After serving in the Army he entered theological college and has since planted a church, pastored a missional enterprise in Seven Hills and is now leading a great team at Restore Church. He is passionate about the local church thriving in all its expressions and seeing the kingdom impact this world.
Tom is our Worship Pastor overseeing the Music and Production Teams at Restore. Attending since 2000, Tom has made Restore Church his home, growing in faith, learning his first four chords, being baptised, married beginning his ministry and starting a young family with his wife, Chloe. Tom leads our wonderful team of volunteers with an emphasis on a healthy, inclusive culture with a drive to reach excellence in the God-given gifts they steward for His Kingdom.
Kira is married to Jayden and is our Youth & Kids’ Pastor at Restore. She is passionate about championing and building into the younger generation. She works alongside a great team who want to see young people become fully alive and transformed by Jesus.
Dillon oversees the technical team and also plays guitar in the worship team. “It’s such an honour and I’m so grateful that I get to serve with such an amazing team week in and week out. And most importantly get to worship God in the process.”
Lauren has the pleasure of keeping things running smoothly. She is married to Daniel and has two little girls. She loves bringing order out of chaos and is passionate about making sure we can fulfil our mission as a church.
Brad is married to Tracey and together they have four teenage children. He has been and active member of a local church since the age of 8 and is now humbled to be the chair of elders at Restore. He is passionate about the local church and it capacity to change lives, especially as we all bring our God-given gifts and abilities to building something greater than we ever could alone, with God’s help of course.
Byrt, originally from Singapore, celebrates 46 years of marriage to Susan and cherishes being a grandfather. With a career spanning music and technology, he has also served in ministry in worship leading and training, and is deeply committed to fostering the Presence of Jesus in individuals through Restore’s Welcome Ministry.
Ian has been part of Restore Church for more than 20 years and welcomes the opportunity to serve God and the church in the role of Elder. He is married to Tricia, has four children and 8 grandchildren. He has lived and worked in the Hills district for over 30 years. Ian seeks to increasingly experience God and to be a blessing to his brothers and sisters at Restore
Shannon has been going to church since she was a kid committing her life to Jesus somewhere around 14. She is always real and honest about life, faith and keeping it simple. Shannon is married to Harrison and they have two teenage kids. They have been coming to Restore for over 10 years. It’s their home and they are always eager to welcome everyone.