We all have different stories, and we have all made different mistakes, but we share a common belief in God.
No matter where we are in our lives or what we have done, we believe that God loves us unconditionally and is always there for us. No matter what life throws at us, we know that God is always with us, and we are never too far from His grace. He will make all things new again.
We believe that He is faithful and will work everything for our good.
We may not always agree on everything, but our shared belief in God is a powerful reminder that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves.
The gospel is about more than just getting people to heaven. It’s about God restoring all of creation to himself through Christ. We, as God’s people, are called to be the tip of the spear in that restoration.
We live this out by loving God and others, pursuing justice, and living simply. These things don’t always come easy, but we believe they’re worth it.
We also believe that we are created for community, to live life together. Life is hard, but it’s harder alone. So we do life together. We laugh together, we cry together, and we grow together.
If you’re looking for a perfect church, you won’t find it here. But if you’re looking for a church family that will love you and support you no matter what, you’ve found your home.
We believe that God’s love can change lives and that’s why we’re here. Whether you’re searching for answers or just need someone to talk to, we’re here for you.
This is what makes us unique and diverse – a beautiful mosaic of people who have been created in the image of God. We may not be perfect, but we are striving to be more like Jesus every day.
We’d love to have you join us!
3 Things that shape us
We believe the church should be the most welcoming and inclusive people on earth, so we always aim to set a Bigger Table.
We believe that there is a Better Story, the Jesus story. It is way bigger and better than we have been led to believe, so we do our best to teach and talk about it faithfully.
We believe that the Way of Jesus is the best possible way to live so we can’t stop at just believing in Him. He gave us a New Way to Live, so we make it our aim to be like Him.