Restore Church is on Sabbath. Our first service will be on January 19.
Your Giving Makes a Difference.
Why Give?
It can be a touchy subject in churches.
There are two extremes we could fall into when it comes to money: talking about it too much or not talking about it enough. The middle ground is to give it the attention it deserves. So for the sake of keeping it simple we outline three biblical reasons for giving. 1) Personal Integrity – Jesus is Lord of all our life, including money. 2) Collective Responsibility – we have a responsibility to the church we belong to be a contributor. And 3) Kingdom Priorities – Jesus said that if we prioritised His business, He would look after ours. We don’t give to get, we give to bless and be free from money having a hold on us, to trust God for our needs, and to make a real difference in this world.
Bank Transfer
A Brief Overview of our Approach to Finances
Different churches believe different things about tithing. At Restore we do not believe tithing is a binding practice for Christians. We do believe it is a great principle that people can use to guide their giving, but we believe the greater call for followers of Jesus is generosity, which includes but goes beyond finances. It is for each person to decide in their heart what God would have them do in regard to giving. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
Each year we set a budget that is put to the members who must approve it. Latitude is given to the Senior Pastor to approve minor or urgent un-budgeted expenses (eg. buidling repairs) but any large un-budgeted expenses must be approved by the Eldership. In the case of major financial commitments the membership must approve.
The Elders are ultimately responsible for monitoring the budget, but the day to day task falls to the Lead Pastor to manage it. Our accounts are checked and reported on monthly to our Eldership by our Treasurer, a volunteer who is usually an accountant.