Restore Church is overseen by a board of Elders who are elected by the membership of the Incorporation. The Senior Pastor is given responsibility and freedom to lead the church in but is ultimately accountable to the Eldership. All major decisions are made by the Eldership in conjunction with the Senior Pastor.
The Elders are also responsible for the oversight of all financial matters and ensuring that an audited statement of accounts is available each year at our annual general meeting. Our accounts are taken care of by our Treasurer and books can be viewed anytime by members.
Restore Church is affiliated with Churches of Christ in NSW. All pastoral ministry staff are professionally endorsed by Churches of Christ and must complete professional development each year to remain endorsed.
Yes, both locally and denominationally. Most issues can be resolved in house using Matthew 18. But Restore Church has a complaints procedure which can be used to address any serious issues with staff or volunteers, and of course we have a Safe Church officer where any relevant concerns should be addressed (see We are a Safe Church). Additionally, Churches of Christ have a Professional Standards Unit where any serious issues with endorsed staff can be addressed. If you require a copy of our Complaints Procedure or our Safe Church Policy, please contact [email protected]
We believe that God’s love can change lives and that’s why we’re here. Whether you’re searching for answers or just need someone to talk to, we’re here for you.
This is what makes us unique and diverse – a beautiful mosaic of people who have been created in the image of God. We may not be perfect, but we are striving to be more like Jesus every day.
We’d love to have you join us!